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1977 - An evaluation of the surface energy balance model for giving equilibrium surface temperature.Atmosphere-road surface interaction study group. - N.L.H. Wood
University College London - Department of Geography
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1976 - Maintenance Management, the Federal Role, Unionization, Pavement Maintenance and Ice Control - Charles T. et al. Edson
Reproduced by National Technical Information Service - The 13 papers in this report deal with the following areas : a state government views a national problem ; federal aid for maintenance and an all-modes management system ; federal role in supporting research and development for reducing transportation maint
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1999 - Contributions of heat from traffic vehicles to snow melting on roads - Nobuyoshi Ishikawa ; Hideki Narita ; Yasuhiko Kajiya - Transportation Research Record
Transportation Research Board
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1983 - circulation routière et météorologie - Bernard Valtat - Connaissance de la météorologie
Centre météorologique interrégional nord
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1929 - Le déneigement des routes - Jacques Thomas - Revue Générale des Routes et de la circulation routière
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