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1970 - Bridge deicing studySummary of phase A activities - W.E. Meyer ; C. Birnie ; D.J. Biss
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of transportation, bureau of materials, testing and research - This report is a summary of the project activities between January 1969 and August 1970. The objectives of the project are to study the problems of preferential icing of bridge decks by (a) instrumenting a bridge site in order to collect data on the frequency an extent of preferential icing and the meteorological conditions contributing to it, (b) evaluating current methods of ice-detection and prediction and © evaluating countermeasures for preventing preferential icing. The east bound lane of Interstate 80 of the bridge over Blad Eagle Creek in Centre County, Pa., was instrumented to obtain meteorological data at the site and the temperature gradients in the bridge and the approachway. An ice detector was also installed.
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1981 - Solar heating of bridges - M.J.S. Hirst
Australian Road Research - This paper presents the results of a parametric study into the solar heating of bridges using real meteorological data. The first part of the study considers changes in bridge parameters for actual mid-summer conditions. The second part analyses selected
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1999 - Quelques préconisations pour l’amélioration de l’exploitation hivernale des ouvrages d’art - Jean Livet - Note technique R.T.V.H.
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1992 - Use of stress waves in removing ice from concrete - Paul T. Bruss - 3rd International Symposium on "Snow removal and ice control technology"
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