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1971 - An ice and snow detection and warning system feasability study - William D. Glauz ; Robert R. Blackburn ; Donald R. Kobett ; Michael C. Sharp
Midwest Research Institute - This report covers a feasibility study of highway detection and warning systems for ice, snow and frost. Among the activities were a thorough literature review, paper study of detection systems, critical review of current and previous field tests, determination of warning sign effectiveness, field testing of six ice and snow detection systems, field evaluation of motorists’ response to a warning sign, development and application of a cost-benefit model and development of specifications for several types of ice and snow detection and warning systems. It is concluded that sufficient data were collected for evaluating motorists’ response to a warning sign. However, additional controlled field tests and analysis of the six detection systems are needed to provide absolute and comparative performance data.
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1996 - A75 - Col de la Fageole - Direction de la Sécurité et de la Circulation Routières D.S.C.R. - Recommandation pour l’usage des PMV
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1996 - Effet thermique du traitement aux fondants d’un verglas routier.Simulation numérique à l’aide du modèle Gel1D. - Sandrine Vautrin
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1998 - Mise au point d’une méthode d’essai pour déterminer la température de congélation d’un produit fondant en fonction de son titre massique - Eric Musquar - Université de Nancy - Maîtrise de Physique - Mention "Physique et Applications"
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1995 - Winter maintenance support recommendations.Comparative analysis of road condition sensors in porous asphalt. - S.T.H. Jansen ; M. Noort - ROad Safety Enhancement System (ROSES)
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